WHAT IS IT? The Ages & Stages Questionnaire 3 (ASQ 3) developmental screening is a brief screening that targets developmental milestones in the areas of communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving and personal social.
WHY DO WE USE IT? We utilize this screening tool to help teachers track progress and identify areas to shape their teaching experiences to meet a student’s need. For example, if an ASQ screen identifies that a student or students are relatively ‘weaker’ in catching a ball, that teacher would be sure to increase opportunities and activities that build the skill set in that area!
WHEN DO WE USE IT? We typically screen children at least twice a year. Parents and teachers are responsible to help screen. The Parkwood Therapy staff communicate results to parents and give suggestions for any further opportuntiies for growth.
You can read more about the ASQ 3 here.
If your child showed up in the grey or black in an assessment area, take a look at the ASQ Learning Activites to spark your imagination on ways you can expose your child to new learning opportunites in that area. Click here to read more.